Friday, January 20, 2012

Dear McLane,


I love you so much! I can't believe your dad and I made you. You are literally a miracle. From the hair on your head to the nails on your tiny toes you make me speechless. I have almost no words to explain how you make me feel. I told your Nana that I was put on this earth for you and I didn't even know it until I saw you. It's completely unexplainable! Let's get down to the details!

It's Wednesday, January 11, 2012 and I am at work. I plan on working half days this week and my last day will be Friday. I would get the house ready for you while I was off the next week and sleep, sleep, sleep. You were due on January 19, 2012 and if you didn't come before or on that day they would induce and we would have you on January 20, 2012. Well, I was at work and I just kept having contractions. I would text your dad each time they would come and it looked to be about every three minutes or so, and when that had gone on for an hour I went ahead and left work around 11 or so, even though I get off at 12. (I just didn't want my water to break at work!) Well, I went home and laid down, Daddy was ready to leave work, but I reminded him that the doctor told us the contractions need to be every three to five minutes, for at least two hours. Well, I went to sleep once I got home and they had stopped. :( I thought maybe you were going to come. Through out the day and into the night I was noticing that the plug had passed. So I called into work the next day and decided I wouldn't go-turns out they didn't expect me there anyway! Well, Thursday morning I was laying in bed probably texting away to your Dad and I felt my water break! It was around 9:00 so I called Daddy and told him I was going to call the doctor because I already had a 2:00 appointment and I wasn't having contractions so I didn't know if we needed to go in earlier, or just go to the hospital. Well, they had me come in early, so Daddy came home and picked me up. Thankfully we had the bags packed and the car seat ready!! We loaded the car down and go to the doctor around 10:30. They saw us and confirmed...YES! Your water is broken!! Time to go to the hospital!! You were going to come...not soon enough, but soon! We went straight there and called everyone on the way! Nana lives in Cleveland, Mississippi which is about two hours away so we wanted to give her ample time to get here, she had enough time to finish work and leave to be here before you were born.

So we checked into the hospital a little after noon and it was SNOWING! My favorite weather! I couldn't believe it. Of course you would come on a day that it snowed, when it had been 50 degrees all week! How perfect!! (Yes, I am wearing flip flops...I wear them everywhere! I had socks and shoes!)

Well, we got back to the labor and delivery room around 1. I got dressed in my gown and into the bed then they started the pitocin! It was to help get my contractions moving along. I was hooked up to an external heart monitor for you and a monitor that would watch my contractions. Around 10 pm I was at 9 cm and was really starting to feel the contractions so we had all the family leave. Nana, Lolly, and Pops were all there, and Aunt Kimmie, and Aunt Ruthie, and Uncle Bill. I had to get another dose of medicine because I was feeling everything so strongly. By 11 we were ready to start we thought! Your heart rate kept dropping and it was really scary. They finally had to give me a shot to stop my contractions to try to get your heart rate back up. They lowered my pitocin dosage and we started over. Finally we were ready to push, but again, your heart rate kept dropping. I would push and then lay on one side and your heart rate would come back up. Then I'd have another contraction and would push and have to lay on my other side while your heart rate came back up. Each contraction/push your heart rate fell. Finally at 12:09 on Friday, January 13, 2012 laying on my right side you entered the world. You had the cord wrapped around your neck and that's why your heart rate kept falling :( Daddy got to cut the cord, and they got the internal heart monitor off your head (you have a little scab right now from where it was :( I'm sorry, but the external monitor wouldn't pick up your low heart beat)

You were absolutely perfect! 7 pounds even and 19 and 1/2 inches long. Your coloring was amazing, you weren't screaming, just kind of whimpering...a very mellow and calm newborn. And your eyes were WIDE open. Daddy got to hold you first while the doctor finished with me. They got you all cleaned up and swaddled and the nurse brought you to me, but I still couldn't hold you yet, but I got to talk to you and kiss you!

When the doctor was done with me and lowered me back down on the hospital bed, Daddy brought you too me!! You were looking around and I'm so sure you knew it was me, your Mommy!

You are so wonderful and I love you so much!


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