Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dear McLane,

It's about 8:30 on Sunday night, December 8th. I was thinking you would come today for some reason, but you're still not here yet so maybe not :) Daddy and I went to the doctor last Thursday and the date to be induced has been set...December 20, 2012 at 5:00 am. So if you do not come on your own, you will be forced to next Friday :) You're actually due the 19th, so thankfully I'm not going to far past the due date! There can be complications if you stay in my belly too long. I really am going to miss all your movements! You have been (I think so, at least) head down the entire time but, you're laying on your side and you're curled up. Your back is on my right side and your feet are on my left side. You kick me and jab me with your either your feet or your knees all the time!! It's really neat to see it! It's like a bulge in my belly. Maybe you'll be old enough to see and understand one day when I'm pregnant with your brother or sister that will possibly be in the future.

This is your very first ever picture!! You were 12 weeks and 5 days! I think you were about the size of my thumb at this point. Daddy and I started calling you peanut. I wonder if it will stick. We called you that to everyone and there are some people that still call you that even now that you have a name! :)

This is your second picture. We were 20 weeks along. This was the BIG ultrasound! We got to find out if you were a boy or a girl!!! I had a feeling that you were going to be a boy! The lady who did the ultra sound checked you first to make sure everything was in working order. She saw that you have 10 fingers and 10 toes, your heart was working, as well as your tiny bladder, and things like that. The for the drum roll.......


This is your most recent picture. At 38 weeks. You are about as big as a watermelon! Your movements had really slowed down and I was worried so I mentioned it to the doctor at the last visit and they wanted to see you and make sure everything was ok. She measured you at 7 pounds and 6 ounces and 37 and a half weeks. So we were pretty much right about your due date :) We got to see you smaking your little lips and to see you practicing breathing. It was the neatest thing! I didn't want to get a 4D ultra sound because I want your face to be a surprise!! I had the ultrasound at 12 weeks because I was so anxious to see you and then we found out that you were a boy so I wanted at least your sweet little face to be a surprise.

Now that I've got this blog going, I just have so much I want to tell you about!! I want you to get to know me and your dad I guess you could say. Oh and Chewy and Cole. They are a big part of our family too! I have so much I want to tell you! I'll need to tell you about the reveal party we had for our family and close friends where we told them that you are a boy! I'll need to give you some pictures of the Chew man and Colitia! I need to get in the bed though. Sleep will be hard to come by soon :) It's totally worth it though, but since I know that it will be that way I try to get in the bed early and sleep as much as I can. You're really running out of room and I have to get up a lot to use the bathroom :( I hope I don't wake your Daddy up when I go, I know I wake Chewy up! Any way, I have been sick since Thursday and out of work, so I am going to try to go back tomorrow even though I'm much worse than better. I'm only working this next week and then not going back the 16th through the end of my 12 week maternity leave. Amanda and Cody are having Bryce on Janurary 13, 2012 if he doesn't come on his own! So you will have a friend who is really close to your age! :)  I love you so much already and I can not wait to meet you!


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